OTT-JAKOB manual clamping units for PSC/Coromant CAPTOTM tools work with spring force, which makes them significantly different from other clamping solutions available on the market. Due to this design feature, the clamping force is independent of the actuating torque. CTC and SVC from OTT-JAKOB are two ranges which can be used with coolant.

CTC manual clamping unit

The CTC manual clamping unit was designed for rotating applications and is the only quick-clamping system available on the market which is actuated via the coolant hole. The tool can easily be mounted using a torque wrench from the front of the polygonal profile. Thanks to clamping through spring, little actuating torque is required.

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Produkte / Manuelle Spanntechnik / CTC manual clamping unit
Produkte / Manuelle Spanntechnik / SVC manual clamping unit

SVC manual clamping unit

The SVC range is used in static machining. With its short projecting length, SVC has more space for the workpiece and a larger flight radius. The built-in seal effectively protects the clamping area from becoming flooded with coolant. Little actuating torque is required to reach high clamping forces. A conventional hexagon socket wrench is required to change tools.

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